Marking report

The Marking report shows statistics for animals that have been Docked/Tailed/Marked during a selected date range.

To produce a Marking report showing…

you must have recorded…

Mated quantity adjusted for sales and purchases.

Mating events

Sales and purchases of mated animals

Dams scanned.

Scanning events

Dams retained - dams scanned adjusted for sales and purchases.

Foetus count – based on retained dams.

Scanning events

Sales and purchases of scanned animals

Total offspring.

Dams present – dams recorded at the birthing event.

Birth paddocks.

Birth events

Marking events – as part of the birth or as a separate event

Dam information in both the birth and marking events: dam stock class at mating, breed, weight and number of dams at birthing / marking

Missing dams % - dams retained minus dams present.

Birthing % to retained - total offspring divided by retained dams.

Wastage% - ratio of offspring to foetus count.

Scanning events

Sales and purchases of scanned animals

Birth events

Dam information on the birth event: dam stock class at mating, breed, weight and number of dams at birthing

Birthing % to mated - total offspring divided by dams mated.

Mating events

Sales and purchases of mated animals

Add animals – Born on farm

  • Marking statistics can be displayed by animal type, year of dam birth and dam breed.
  • The stock class displayed in the report is the stock class of the animal at time of mating. It is possible that an animal may change stock class during the gestation period. 
  • Wastage (the percentage of losses since scanning) is calculated. Marking statistics can be displayed by animal type, year of dam birth and dam breed.

View and export a Marking report

To view and export a Marking report:

  1. On the Navigation bar, click Report centre > Reproduction > Marking.
  1. Choose a time period by:
  1. Choose whether to Include Dry/Empty results.

  1. If you wish to see the report on screen, click  View. 
  1. If you wish to export the report, click Export summary  and select  Excel document or PDF file. 

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