Measure distances and areas on the map

Use the measuring tool to measure distances or calculate areas. This is useful for situations such as planning fence maintenance or finding out the size of a specific area inside a paddock.

Zooming in your map view will make it easier to make accurate measurements and using the Topo map background may help you see farm terrain.

To measure a distance:

  1. Click Measure in the bottom of the map screen.
  2. Draw a line to mark the distance you want to measure:
  3. The System shows the length of each section and the total length of the line.
  4. Close the measure tool when you are done by clicking the x in the top right of the Measure box.

To measure an area:

  1. Click Measure in the bottom of the map screen.
  2. Draw a shape around the perimeter of the area you want to measure.
  3. The System shows the length of each boundary section, the total length of the boundary line and the total area.
  4. Close the measure tool when you are done by clicking the x in the top right of the Measure box.

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