Notifications and alerts

FarmIQ uses notifications and alerts to keep you informed about things that need your attention. Most notifications and alerts are delivered via the Notifications bells on the FarmIQ system and the FarmIQ Mobile app. 

It is important that you review your notifications regularly and that you resolve them as soon as possible. 

Notifications on the FarmIQ System

The Notifications bell is on the Navigation bar. The number in the red box shows you how many unresolved notifications you have.  

There are four types of notifications:

Notifications on the FarmIQ Classic Mobile app

The FarmIQ Classic mobile app Notifications bell shows in-progress and unsuccessful transactionsTap the bell to see a list of the transactions. There are two types:

Push notifications appear on your phone even if you are not using the app at the time. You can turn them on and off at any time. You can receive push notifications for:

Why pay attention to notifications and alerts

This table shows the types of notifications and alerts that are used in FarmIQ and why they are useful.

Type of notification or alert Purpose and notes Why you should pay attention to these notifications or alerts
Notifications on the Alerts list

Notifications on this list include System notices; important Health and Safety information, such as SafeVisit visit requests; and incident notifications from the Mobile app.

Responding to these alerts in a timely fashion helps keep you informed about what is happening on farm. 
Notifications on the Attention required list

Some notifications, such as Tabula, and NAIT, need your action to complete the recording of an event or activity.

Others, such as killsheet notifications, only need to be reviewed.

Sale, purchase and grazing notifications arrive when another FarmIQ farm has recorded stock movements between your property and theirs.*

If you have already recorded the stock movement, click Review then Reject the transaction. Otherwise, Accept the transaction to complete it.

*Grazing notifications for received stock are not sent from farms using Describe stock.

They contain important information about activities on your farm and may need your action to complete the recording of an event.

Notifications on the Unsuccessful transactions list

These are events that the FarmIQ System was unable to complete. Review the notification to see the details and fix the issue.

These notifications may relate to failed events, or failed NAIT transactions.

If you cannot fix the issue, contact Support for help. 

If you want your FarmIQ records to be as accurate as possible, resolve unsuccessful transactions as soon as you can. 
Notifications on the Transactions in progress list

This list lets you know that your events are processing normally. 

  • On the FarmIQ system, events should only stay in this list for a few minutes. 
  • On the Mobile app, events will stay queued on this list until your phone is back in coverage. At that point they will be automatically sent for processing.

If you are using the Mobile app, transactions should be cleared off this list every day.

If you are using the FarmIQ System, they should disappear within a few minutes.

If you think your transactions are stuck, contact Support.

Incident, Hazard and Emergency plan notifications

To remind you to keep your health and safety plans and records up to date, FarmIQ sends an alert when:

  • no incidents or hazards have been recorded,
  • the emergency plan has not been updated

during the past 12 months.

You can set up who receives these notifications.

They will help you to meet your compliance obligations.
Incident alerts

To immediately notify people about incidents recorded.

You can set up who receives these notifications.

Knowing about and managing incidents is important for the health and safety of people on your farm.
To alert you to visit and download requests.

So that you can review and approve or reject visit and download requests:

in the FarmIQ system or

on the mobile app.

To let you know that you have received a message from a visitor. These notifications appear in the Visits register.

So that you can promptly respond to messages from visitors.
Task notifications


  • alert someone when a task is assigned to them
  • remind you that a Farm plan task due date is coming up
  • help manage upcoming and overdue tasks.

Task notifications are shown on the Task bar and on the right hand panel of the Dashboard or Noticeboard.

These help people on farm to keep up to date with their tasks.
Staff competency alerts

To ensure that you and your staff are made aware when their competencies will soon need to be updated.

You set the timing of this alert when updating training and competency records.

The alert is sent to the selected staff member's email address as recorded in FarmIQ. 

The alert gives you time to organise retraining.
Pop-up Notices and alerts

To alert you to occasional System notices, announcements and user tips.

These pop-up on your screen from time to time. Close them by clicking the X in the top, right corner.

You can find closed notices on the Notifications bell, in the Alerts list.

They often contain important information about system outages.

Resolving failed event notifications

Sometimes events you record can fail. This means the event is not been successfully recorded in the system, and action needs to be taken for the event to successfully record, resolving it.

You will receive a notification of this, informing you that the event has failed along with the reason why, and prompting you to resolve or delete the failed event.


To avoid duplication, check the Farm diary to make sure another version of the event hasn't been recorded before resolving the failed event.

To resolve a failed event notification click here
To resolve a failed event notification:
  1. Click the Notifications bell.

  2. Click the expansion arrow to view the Unsuccessful transactions section.
  3. Next to the failed event notification click Resolve.
  1. If the reason given for the event failing...
    is something you can fix...

    make the necessary changes to the event, and click Save.

    This should resolve the event.

    isn't something you can fix...

    contact Support for help to resolve the event.

To delete a failed event notification click here
To delete a failed event notification:
  1. Click the Notifications bell.
  2. Click the expansion arrow to view the Unsuccessful transactions section.
  3. Next to the failed event notification, click Delete

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