Pasture wedge report

This report shows a pasture wedge for selected paddocks or blocks for a specified date range. If you select more than one block, the paddocks in each block are shown in a different colour on the graph.

Measuring cash results from grazing plans – FarmIQ return on investment

Wairarapa farmer Matt used FarmIQ to compare lamb weight gain on different grazing plans – the difference was worth $0.13/head/day. See more.

Measuring cash results from grazing plans – FarmIQ return on investment

Wairarapa farmer Matt used FarmIQ to compare lamb weight gain on different grazing plans – the difference was worth $0.13/head/day. See less.

Matt tracked ewes with lamb at foot and compared set stocking against rotational grazing, using weights captured from his scale head and analysed with FarmIQ's tools.

His rotationally grazed animals had gained extra weight worth more than $5/head between docking and weaning - which is significant when you’re carrying 18,000 animals! 

Read the full story: Measuring FarmIQ return on investment in cold hard cash.

Other tools used:

See less.

You can:

  • Only Farm walk pasture covers are used in this report. Pre- and Post-grazing pasture covers are not used.
  • The pasture growth rate will only appear if a farm walk has been completed within 16 days of the one before.

Dairy pasture wedge report

The dairy option requires you to set up the report for selected farm walks.

If you enter pre- and post- grazing targets, the System calculates any surplus or deficit when you view the report.

You can use the report filter to calculate any one of: post-grazing targetpre-grazing target, available areanumber of cowspasture intake or round length, if the other five variables are known.

Below the graph there is a table showing detailed pasture cover information for each paddock in the report.

See and export the Pasture wedge report

To see and export the Pasture wedge report:

  1. On the Navigation bar, click Report centre.
  2. Click Land.
  3. Find Pasture wedge and click View.
  4. Select Livestock or Dairy.
  5. Select the date range for the report or use Quick date select.
  1. Select Report by:


  1. To Display average cover line select the checkbox.
  2. You can enter a Post-grazing target and Pre-grazing target.
  1. Click View.

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