Scanning report

Scanning reports show the statistics for Scannings that have been recorded during a selected date range.

To produce a Scanning report showing... you must have recorded…
Average weight at mating.
Mating events including dam weights.
Number of dams scanned – adjusted for sales and purchases. Scanning events.
Sales and purchases of mated animals.
Scanning results by birth rank.
Total Scanning %.
Potentials - Offspring percentage.
Scanning events.
Scanning efficiency  –  Scanning % divided by the average weight of dams at mating. Mating events including dam weights.
Scanning events.

Offspring % - expected offspring based on anticipated wastage.
Scanning events.
Wastage% - entered by the user on the report.

Cash benefits from elite flocks – FarmIQ return on investment

Dan Jex-Blake of Mangapoike Station took lambing performance to the next level with FarmIQ. See more.

Cash benefits from elite flocks – FarmIQ return on investment

Dan Jex-Blake of Mangapoike Station took lambing performance to the next level with FarmIQ. See less.

He used reliable EID records of individuals' past lambing performance to draft an elite flock of ewes that had scanned 'multi' every year.

Dan's elite flock conceived $48/head more lambs than his lowest performing ewes – almost 40% more lambs per ewe. 

And now he can select his replacement mob by ewe reproduction as well as from sire, leading to more gains over time.

Read the full story: Measuring FarmIQ ROI in cold hard cash - Elite flocks.

Other tools used:

See less.

  • Scanning statistics can be displayed by animal type, year of dam birth and dam breed.
  • The stock class displayed in the report reflects the stock class of the animal at time of mating.
  • Wastage is the expected foetus loss rate between scanning and marking.  You enter this figure in the report.
  • Sales and purchases of scanned dams should be recorded by stock class, so that scanning results can be reported by stock class.
  • If your dams are EID tagged, you can use reporting groups in this report. 

View and export a Scanning report

To view and export a Scanning report:

  1. On the Navigation bar, click Report centre > Reproduction > Scanning.
  1. Choose a time period by:
  1. Choose whether to I nclude Dry/Empty results.

  1. If you wish to report on selected groups, click Filter by groups and select or create your groups.
  1. If you wish to see the report on screen, click  View.
  1. If you wish to export the report, click Export summary and select Excel document or PDF file.

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