Using menus and dropdown lists

Use the menus and dropdown lists in FarmIQ to speed up data entry and reduce entry errors.

Dropdown lists

Use dropdown lists to select one or more options from the list.

  1. Click the box.
  2. Click the option or options you want from the dropdown list that appears.

Expansion arrows

Use expansion arrows to see more detail.

To show...  click...
more detail
less detail

For example, to see stock classes within a mob on the Stock list or to show inventory, details in a product list, click the expansion arrow.

Options arrows

When you click an options arrow, a list of possible actions appears in a dropdown box.
Options arrow

For example, when you click the option arrow for a file in the File library or an added product in Inventory, a list of alternative actions appears.

Select a breed

When you enter a breed for cattle, deer or sheep for the first time in FarmIQ, the heading for breed looks like this:

When you click Select, all the breeds available in FarmIQ are shown in the dropdown box. Select the breed you need and, in future, FarmIQ will treat it as one of your favourite breeds.

The next time you add animals of that type the heading for breed will look like this:

Now when you click Select only the breeds that you have previously selected (your favourite breeds) are in the dropdown box. If the breed you want is not there, click the plus sign. When you click Select again, all the breeds available in FarmIQ will be shown in the dropdown box and you can select the one you need.

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