Reproduction reports

FarmIQ Reproduction reports allow you to analyse stock reproductive performance so that you can confidently make decisions to change stock management and improve productivity.

In the Summary reproduction report you can also compare your performance to similar farms in your area.


 You can compare the performance of:

  • different groups of animals, for example, stock classes or event categories
  • animals that have been treated differently, such as those that have been flushed v. those that have not.

 You can report on and analyse:

  • scanning percentages by mating weight
  • average weaning weight for treated and untreated animals.

You can find reproduction reports in the Report centre.

Cash benefits from elite flocks – FarmIQ return on investment

Dan Jex-Blake of Mangapoike Station took lambing performance to the next level with FarmIQ. See more.

Cash benefits from elite flocks – FarmIQ return on investment

Dan Jex-Blake of Mangapoike Station took lambing performance to the next level with FarmIQ. See less.

He used reliable EID records of individuals' past lambing performance to draft an elite flock of ewes that had scanned 'multi' every year.

Dan's elite flock conceived $48/head more lambs than his lowest performing ewes – almost 40% more lambs per ewe. 

And now he can select his replacement mob by ewe reproduction as well as from sire, leading to more gains over time.

Read the full story: Measuring FarmIQ ROI in cold hard cash - Elite flocks.

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There are online help topics for the following Reproduction reports:

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